Cut the blood clutter free. Miss not miss We often find that unknown unknown caller phones and makes severe disturbances. Call me one day, “Muhith comes here to give me”. There are many softwere other than block number of these callers. But it costs money. I do a free system on my mobile for not spending this money. And the system will teach you today. And do not talk. Let’s go to the original job. You do this step by step.
seting>call seting>call diver>divert ifbusy>active>to other no>1266
The number will start. Then see your accout balance. Then if the caller calls you, then you cut the cake without taking it. Then what will happen. The caller will start cutting money from mobile. It can come as a trick, how do you know how to cut the collateral money. When you cut the call You will see that a sms came shortly after it was 12660. This sms really understands that his money is spent. If you do not trust, check me out