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Although the features of cloud computing are not only encapsulated in data storage, it is a very potential field. The cloud database allows users to store information or run applications in any location as long as they have access to the internet. Often there are many servers spread around the world to build cloud systems.
Although there are still limitations. But is there any system that overcomes cloud computing? The article below will analyze the superiority of clusters.
Issues: Security and privacy
In fact, anywhere there is a computer where there is a security risk. Cloud service providers have a lot of coding, data sharing and other security measures in place. Just as you protect your internal infrastructure, cloud providers must protect their equipment to maintain business.
The cautious of the new cloud computing border bravely cites privacy and security as the main issue with this technology. Because your data is not placed in place, where you can control more or less what happens, it is reasonable that security can be a problem.
When deciding whether or not cloud services are right for your business, you should first consider the priorities and weaknesses. However, most companies can realize great advantages by using cloud environments in whole or in part to save money and increase productivity.
Significant cost savings
Businesses can easily access services from vendors and access services anytime, anywhere, from software to the entire infrastructure operating platform at no extra cost hardware or software.
In addition to the cost savings of using the software, businesses using cloud computing can reduce IT hardware. Many cloud services now have customer care staff and upgrade and maintain their services.
A lot of storage space
If the enterprise needs to use large amounts of hard drive space, traditional enterprise systems need to build a huge network. In the process of upgrading, it must also stop operating the system, thus wasting business resources.
With cloud computing, you get all the storage space you need. Even better, you do not have to invest in a few terabytes just to make sure you are protected, only to discover that you are only using gigabytes of space. You can easily add or remove memory at any time, with no financial penalty.
Easy automation
When using cloud computing, enterprises no longer need IT staff to work overnight to upgrade the software to the latest. All of these tasks are automatically updated by the service provider. All work is conducted underground, no longer affect the productivity of employees.
In addition, the entire cloud environment keeps track of your usage. When you need more space or capacity, the system will automatically compensate. The same thing happens when you need less, so you will save money in slow network time.
Great flexibility
The scalability of cloud computing means you do not have to invest more in retail space or hardware whenever you feel the pain.
Pay-as-you-go is a great feature to have, but cloud computing is more flexible in more ways than one. For example, your cloud services can easily be expanded to keep up with business growth. In just a few minutes, you can add new applications, more server space, or higher network capacity.