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Cloud Vps User Management easy way

You will be using projects and user types to assign these user rights.

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Projects are used to group products, there are two kinds of projects:

Main Customer Interface Project
There is one special project in the project manager that is reserved for configuring access to the Customer Interface. You can recognise this project by the lock icon in front of the project name, which will be your customer identifier and the description “Main Customer Interface Project”.

Only users added to this project can get access to The CloudVPS Interface with the following functionality: customer- and account management, non OpenStack VPS assignment (with specific rights on capabilites) and CDN configuration.

OpenStack Projects
OpenStack Projects only have meaning in the OpenStack context. All the resources within OpenStack are always allocated to a project, effectively grouping resources together.

Users can be assigned to specific projects with a certain role, thereby limiting the rights a user has within that project. For instance the user “” could have rights to the Compute Resources in a project but no rights to the associated ObjectStore.

User types
Main-customer: This is highest level user. Only one Main-customer can exist and it can be recognised by the lock in front of its name. It is automatically created when the account is created and has all the rights in the CloudVPS Interface. This user will be automatically added to new OpenStack projects.
Customer-admin: This user type will have to be created. It has all the rights to the interface except removing the main-customer. It will also be automatically added to new OpenStack projects.
Customer-billing: Only has access to billing information and the contact information of the organisation.
Customer-tech: Has specifically assigned rights to legacy platform virtual servers and OpenStack projects in the interface.
Customer-client: Has specifically assigned rights to legacy platform virtual servers and OpenStack projects in the interface.

ou may think shared hosting’s the most popular hosting plan out there – maybe because it’s been around for a while. But Cloud Hosting / Cloud VPS has also been here since 1996. Both have three main things in common: the web hosting provider, websites, and servers. However, that’s where the similarity ends. Because when looking at speed, performance, security, pricing, uptime, support and bonuses, it’s obvious there’s plenty setting them apart. With cloud server management gaining more and more traction, let’s explore how it differs from shared server management.

What is shared server management?
Shared Hosting – Plesk
In a shared situation, a service provider will handle hosting for a number of websites on one server. This means that all their associated resources like databases, disk space and bandwidth are handled by a single box. This machine covers all the management tasks, which is where the term shared server management comes from. This type of arrangement is typical of the vast majority of web hosting service providers.

Fans of shared server management are usually attracted to its low price and decent list of features. But it may not be the best solution for websites with a lot of traffic.

What is cloud server management?
Cloud server management – Hyperscale option – Plesk
This is no longer a ‘one box solution.’ Using cloud server management, a single website can be spread across a number of synchronized servers, thanks to the flexibility of cloud computing technology. The obvious advantage here is that if there’s a problem with one, one of the other iterations can easily take its place.

Updated: January 10, 2019 — 6:28 am

The Author

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