Blogger is a platform where you can create a website for free. Anyone can create their own free website if they want as all the features of Blogger are easy.
You may be constantly posting or writing on social media and your friends are encouraging you to publish your writing. Then Blogger is going to be a simple platform for you. Where you can write your articles or posts regularly and share with your friends to get a good response. And if you want to start blogging professionally, you can start blogging from here first and then you can start blogging professionally by purchasing domain and hosting through WordPress.
You can also start your own professional website on Blogger, so you need to purchase a domain. We will find out the details in this article.
Needless to say, we don’t know how to create a free website with Blogger:
To create a website on Blogger, you first need a Google Account, a Gmail account. If you do not have a Gmail account, create a Gmail account.
If you already have a Google / Gmail account, go to the Blogger account by clicking on the link and login with your Gmail account. After logging in you will be taken to Blogger’s dashboard, see the image below;
As shown in the image above, as soon as you click on Create New Blog, another new page will appear as shown below;
free blogger website
Here you can see that, Title, Address and Theme, type the name you want to open your blog (Title: Travel Tips) in the Title here. Then in the Address field, type the name of your blog in small hand (traveltips). If no one has already taken the name of your blog, then you can start the blog with this name.
Choose a theme of your choice in place of Theme. Later you can change the theme. After typing everything, type in Create Blog. Now that your blog has been created, your dashboard will look like the image below;
Create a free website with Blogger
Now you have to complete all the setting activities of your blog, for that you have to click on the setting option of your blog and write the description of your blog and make Google search engine visible yes. Notice the image below and click on the tick mark to enter all the information.
Akon to publish your blog post completely ready post or article. Every day you keep publishing articles on your blog and after publishing about 20/25 articles you design your blog.
How to post on your Blogger blog?
After clicking on New Post, you will get an interface like the picture below where you will name your post instead of the title and you will write the details about your article in the space below.
Create a free website with Blogger
I personally recommend / encourage you Shohag360 (Bengali) This YouTube channel has a very good video on how to design your blog theme beautifully.
How to create a professional website on your blog, you need to purchase a domain name and add your domain to your blog.
Let’s see how to add a hosted domain:
After purchasing your domain, you will go to the setting option of your blog, click on edit your blog address and set up a third-party URL for your blog, enter your purchased domain name and then save. See the image below;
Now you have purchased from your Domain Day Company, go to the account and click on My product and then click on DNS, you will get the DNS management of your domain name, you have to set the name server from there. If you watch this video, it will be easier to understand.
How to monetize your blog with Google AdSense?
After creating your blog, keep publishing good quality content and when your content is around 40/50, you can apply for Google AdSense. But remember that before monetizing Google AdSense, you must connect a hosted domain to your blog and create all the necessary pages, such as: Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Contact us, About us, etc. After doing everything correctly, you will apply for AdSense and get a response very quickly.
Not only can you make money on your blog through AdSense, but you can also make a lot of money through affiliate marketing and CPA marketing.
Benefits of creating a free blog with Blogger:
Getting a subdomain for free.
Creating a blog with Google Blogger is very easy, any ordinary person can manage it without any kind of coding.
Blogger is a popular platform of Google so you can trust it.
You can use your custom domain on Blogger for free.
Blogger has many types of free templates or themes that are really eye-catching, you can start your blog using any one.
You can put or monetize Adsense in your Blogger account which will be your source of income.
If you want to start blogging professionally, you should start with Hosted Daemon and Hosting which is very likely to be a success. You can try to increase your talent or skills by using Blogger or other free subdomains.